List of cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo by population

List of cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo by population 2024.

Total number of cities: 25.

Total population: 77 433 744.

# Name, city Population, people
1 Kinshasa 10 076 099
2 Lubumbashi 1 630 186
3 Mbuji-Mayi 1 559 073
4 Kananga 1 130 000
5 Kisangani 868 672
6 Mbandaka 729 257
7 Boma 527 725
8 Kolwezi 418 000
9 Likasi 367 000
10 Kikwit 294 210
11 Matadi 245 862
12 Bukavu 241 690
13 Isiro 182 900
14 Tshikapa 180 900
15 Kalemie 147 065
16 Kindu 135 534
17 Bandundu 133 080
18 Bumba 107 626
19 Mbanza-Ngungu 100 000
20 Ilebo 72 623
21 Moba 25 463
22 Aama 10 000
23 Mobayi-Mbongo 5 640
24 Kitona 4 000
25 Ubundu 122

Democratic Republic of the Congo - Population

77 433 744 people Flag of Democratic Republic of the Congo Flag of Democratic Republic of the Congo In November 2024