List of cities in Iraq by population

List of cities in Iraq by population 2024.

Total number of cities: 18.

Total population: 39 339 753.

# Name, city Population, people
1 Baghdad 7 055 200
2 Ninewa 3 270 400
3 Basrah 2 532 000
4 Sulaymaniyah 1 878 800
5 DiCare 1 836 200
6 Babil 1 820 700
7 Erbil 1 612 700
8 Anbar 1 561 400
9 Diyala 1 443 200
10 Salah ed din 1 408 200
11 Kirkuk 1 395 600
12 Najaf 1 285 500
13 Wasit 1 210 600
14 Qadisiya 1 134 300
15 Dohuk 1 128 700
16 Karbala 1 066 600
17 Maysan 971 400
18 Muthanna 719 100

Iraq - Population

39 339 753 people Flag of Iraq Flag of Iraq In April 2024