List of cities in Lesotho by population

List of cities in Lesotho by population 2024.

Total number of cities: 11.

Total population: 2 160 309.

# Name, city Population, people
1 Maseru 267 559
2 Glaze 47 894
3 Mafeteng 43 200
4 Teyateyaneng 28 142
5 Maputsoe 23 481
6 Mohale's Hoek 23 029
7 Chachas Neck 18 228
8 Quthing 6 472
9 Mokhotlong 6 379
10 Butha-Buthe 5 870
11 Thaba-Tseka 4 897

Lesotho - Population

2 160 309 people Flag of Lesotho Flag of Lesotho In October 2024