List of cities in Madagascar by population

List of cities in Madagascar by population 2024.

Total number of cities: 22.

Total population: 43 570 895.

# Name, city Population, people
1 Analamanga 2 811 500
2 Vakinankaratra 1 589 800
3 Matsiatra 1 128 900
4 Atsinanana 1 117 100
5 Vatovavy-Fitovinany 1 097 700
6 Azimu-Andrefana 1 018 500
7 Sufi 940 800
8 Alaotra-Mangoro 877 700
9 Analanjirofo 860 800
10 Sava 805 300
11 Amuro and Mania 693 200
12 Itasy 643 000
13 Azimu-Atsinanana 621 200
14 Anusi 544 200
15 Buena 543 200
16 Diana 485 800
17 Androi 476 600
18 Maybe 390 800
19 Bongolava 326 600
20 Betsibuka 236 500
21 Ihorombe 189 200
22 Melaka 175 500

Madagascar - Population

43 570 895 people Flag of Madagascar Flag of Madagascar In April 2024