List of cities in Rwanda by population

List of cities in Rwanda by population 2024.

Total number of cities: 16.

Total population: 11 952 693.

# Name, city Population, people
1 Kigali 1 029 384
2 Ruhengeri 117 487
3 Gisenyi 113 022
4 Butare 107 310
5 Gitarama 87 712
6 Ruhango 74 731
7 Bumba 74 670
8 Cyangugu 68 762
9 Kabuga 57 378
10 Nyanza 55 295
11 Rwamagana 52 974
12 Kibungo 48 910
13 Kibuye 47 885
14 Gikongoro 34 780
15 Umutara 8 981
16 Nyagatare 3 793

Rwanda - Population

11 952 693 people Flag of Rwanda Flag of Rwanda In December 2024