List of cities in Sierra Leone by population

List of cities in Sierra Leone by population 2024.

Total number of cities: 20.

Total population: 6 592 102.

# Name, city Population, people
1 Freetown 836 574
2 Bo 215 421
3 Kenema 169 937
4 Makeni 102 648
5 Sefadu 91 603
6 Lunsar 23 889
7 Port Loko 22 662
8 pendembu 19 658
9 kabbalah 18 770
10 Waterloo 17 830
11 Kailahun 17 506
12 Segbwema 15 985
13 Magburaka 15 980
14 Koindu 15 928
15 Bumpe 15 143
16 Yengema 13 269
17 Kambia 12 471
18 Goderich 12 429
19 rokupr 12 311
20 Gandorhun 12 288

Sierra Leone - Population

6 592 102 people Flag of Sierra Leone Flag of Sierra Leone In April 2024