List of cities in Suriname by population

List of cities in Suriname by population 2025.

Total number of cities: 14.

Total population: 547 610.

# Name, city Population, people
1 Paramaribo 246 132
2 Lelydorp 19 991
3 Nieuw Nickerie 15 109
4 Mungo 8 252
5 Mizog 7 381
6 Nieuw-Amsterdam 5 579
7 Marienburg 4 998
8 Wageningen 4 765
9 Albina 4 649
10 Groningen 3 487
11 Brovsneg 2 731
12 Brokopondo 2 348
13 Onvervaht 2 266
14 Totness 1 976

Suriname - Population

547 610 people Flag of Suriname Flag of Suriname In February 2025